Friday, April 27, 2007

Implementing a "Click Through" in Classic ASP

To simulate a client request for a given url, use Javascript that automatically fires during the test page load event.
To test that this "referral" script works, point the "referrer" to a handy ServerVariables display page.

Both the "referrer" (click.asp) and the "target" (servervars.asp) are illustrated here.
Here is a screen shot of the resulting HTTP_REFERER display page (servervars.asp)


  1. Hello sir,

    Would you please explain little more as to when the click through is helpful. i could not understand the article.

  2. Sure! Sorry this wasn't clear! Instead of "Click Through", perhaps it's better to think "Automated Form Submission".

    This is useful when you are hosting a web page where

    a) you want to redirect to another site, e.g., a product vendor

    b) you want the other site to know that the request originated with your site!

    If you use a simple 301 redirect, the vendor won't know the request originated with your site, and you won't get the referral $$ you deserve!

    Hope that made more sense; thanks for visiting!

  3. Yes, good idea. What we usually do is ask the other party to add a reference on their page anywhere to include our 1x1 image call. This way the number of times its called from their website, we can track it by attaching a source on call to track the caller, and other attached request related data.

  4. Great site!!! this information really helped me

  5. Great site!!! this information really helped me
