Friday, April 27, 2007

Here's How you Force SSL in Creaky Old ASP

Say you have a Classic ASP site or application where you want to force a secure (SSL) connection.

Use the ASP ServerVariables collection to check the current connection, then redirect appropriately.

Copy/Paste the following into a text file and name it ForceSSL.asp:


If UCase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS")) = "OFF" Then
'''get page
    sRedirect = "https://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") &
    Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") & "?" & Request.Querystring
    Response.Redirect sRedirect
End If


For each page in the site/application, add a server-side include that looks like this:

<!--#include virtual="/ForceSSL.asp"-->

AG, hope this helps you out. I'm probably weeks too late.


  1. If i change to SSL, isn't that all resources on the page must also be referencing from https:// ? We had this problem before, and customers complained that a popup window is appearing stating that the references or items on this page are not secure, do you still like to continue ?

  2. I am familiar with that popup :)

    It usually occurs because the page has hard-coded "http" references to graphics in your site. You can get avoid the popup by losing the domain reference.

    For example: "img src="

    Should be: "img src=/images/logo.gif"

    This won't be possible if you reference graphics on another site, but this is actually a good indication that your site should be restructured!

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  4. Well your post is several years old but still yielding results. I ordered a GoDaddy SSL option for a client site but, once that's done, GoDaddy leaeves you to your own devices to figure out how to implement it. They first told me to use the .htaccess file trick - I had to discover for myself that, since I'm on a Windows server, .htaccess won't work ... I need to use the web.config way of implementing SSL. A few tries here and there and no results. But your fix is simple, works great, fast and easy. Great post, thanks.

  5. So, I do not actually consider this may have success.

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