Thursday, August 9, 2007

To those few of you who actually visit this blog, you may have noticed the recent lack of new activity.

I am in the process of consolidating these nerdy tidbits in a dedicated site, I found at the outset that blogspot was bad for displaying code snippets unless you spend a lot of time formatting your template. I'm simply not that smart. To get around this, I often forwarded you to my live spaces blog. What a pain, I agree.

So, it may take awhile, but look for this blog to shrink and the new site to grow. The live spaces blog will go away, and you can bookmark . For now, I have created a feed to the site, down below (near the Google ads ;)).

Thanks for visiting!


  1. What you see below is a result of working overnight at a company where it sucks to work as no one works. Its a creamy cake my friends. Its called it sucks

    When management reviewers are accountants
    it sucks!

    when management reviewers are accountants, but morons
    it sucks!

    when management reviewers are morons, but evils
    it sucks!

    when management reviewers are accountants, morons, evils, but process driven
    life is miserable like wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages

    ----- i thought i better not complete this as there are so many viewers to the blog :-)

  2. Well done is sick than extravagantly said.

  3. Splendidly done is better than extravagantly said.

  4. Lovingly done is better than spectacularly said.

  5. Well done is richer reconsider than comfortably said.

  6. Artistically done is sick than spectacularly said.

  7. Lovingly done is richer reconsider than well said.

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